Friday, April 27, 2018

Scales of Grace

                                          Scales Of grace

   How do we measure sin, is it on a scale of 1 to 10? What sin should should be least and what sin should be the worst? Many do not look at themselves and admit to their own sin, but, are more than willing to point out the sins of others.
   Would the disobedience of Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, be the least? After all it was the first. Should God have overlooked that sin, "It wasn't that bad of a sin, only disobedience," we have all done that at some time in our lives. However, that one bite of the fruit, has brought us to where we are today.
   We get angry when someone lies or steals from us, yet we overlook our own attitudes and beliefs, or the gossip we spread, saying, "It's just a prayer request." How often do we pass judgment when someone ignores us or speaks to us in anger? Does murder, rape, or child abuse weigh heavy on the scales of sin? Where does it weigh, when we in anger and fear lash out at God with words that a person should never speak, especially a Christian?
   How do we or how should we measure the degree of sin committed against another person? Should it be on a scale of 1 to 10? There is no scale we can use to measure sin! We can only set the punishment as we see it should be for those convicted of a crime against another. Seems to me we haven't done to good of a job, even with that. How dare we be so arrogant and critical of one another.
   What does our heavenly Father use as His scale? Does He see the one who was abused as a child and now uses drugs, as one He should overlook their sins? Should He say, "It's OK," to the one that has an abortion because of incest or rape? The one that beats or kills another, is God to overlook them too, because of the way they were raised? I'm thankful He is the final Judge!
   God's scale is called GRACE. The grace of forgiveness. He doesn't overlook the things that have happened to us, or the things we have done. But we are required, with the help of the Holy Spirit to forgive our offenders and ourselves, then God will forgive us.
   God gave His only Begotten Son, to pay the price, He did not owe, for our sins. Christ gave His life for you and me. No matter what we have done, grace is for each of us. Salvation freely given with peace is offered to everyone and life eternal, if we accept the Saviour.
   When Christ died on the cross, He paid the same price for every sin that was ever committed or will ever be committed. The price of His death made every sin equal.

   Romans 6:23 KJV

   For the wages of sin is death: but, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus

Christ our Lord. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Innocence Lost

    It has grieved me to see all the violence in our schools. Our Children no longer have a childhood. Their innocence has been lost. Sadly Christians must share part of the blame.This is my view of what has happened to schools and society over the past 60 years. I hope you will read and leave a commit, but remember it is my view not yours.

                                                  Innocence Lost

   When and why was innocence lost for the children of America. They grow up so fast, no time for them to be children. No time to learn what little boys and girls really were meant to be. In our world today children know more about sex and murder, even before they learn to read or spell their on name. Through TV and movies children are exposed to sex and violence everyday on almost every channel. Drugs often handed out on school play grounds.

   When was Innocence lost? Prayer was taken out of school. No longer a prayer covering over the schools, teachers, or the children. Evil was free to roam the the halls and classrooms. Trouble, it was just beginning.

   When was innocence lost? The Ten Commandments were also removed from our schools. No moral right or wrong was taught after that. Morals looked at as something evil, that puts restrictions on our right to live as we please. How another my be affected has no place in our thoughts. Live for self and get what you want. Morals are up to mans own way of thinking and his interpretation.

   When was innocence lost? Creation was taken out of schools. Children then taught that evolution is the way we came into existence. First there was goo, then time in the zoo, and finally you. No value given to the uniqueness of every creature created by God or that Man was created in the image of God alone, instead we are all reduced to goo.

   When was innocence lost? When life began to have no value or worth. Die with dignity and don't be a burden on society. Get out of the way, you take up to much space, time and resources. Now the elderly are to costly or sick to tolerate. The handicapped and special needs are considered even a greater burden. A freak of nature.

   When was innocence lost? When the unborn was reduced to unwanted tissue, that needed to be discarded.It wasn't a baby and had no value or worth, so it needed no protection. An inconvenience to get rid of. Now they want to discard the baby, just because it is the wrong sex. Life to be thrown in the trash.

   When was innocence lost? The wars of yesterday and today. Children growing up in a home without the presence or a loss of a mother or father. They could be gone for months or years, some never return home at all. No solid foundation of a home and family. Some mothers are even convinced that it is better for the government to pay you what is needed to be home with your children.  Kids don't need a Father at home. But, what the kids have gotten is gangs, drugs, and violence.

   When was innocence lost? The attacks of 9/11. Children killing children. Others bullied until a child commits suicide.  Killings in the theaters, car wrecks, violence at home. Abuse of all kinds, all the result of innocence lost.

   But, the question we must ask, "Why was innocence lost?" That is what all must answer for one day. Prayer was thrown out and discarded along with the Ten Commandments by the indifference of God's people. Christians did not pray or stand up for Godly principles.They sat back and arrogantly believed, "God won't let it happen, it will be fine, after all we are a Christian nation." That is the commit I heard growing up.

   Christians took on the ways of the world to raise their children. Dr. Spock was preferred over the foundations of the Bible to raise them. That was for the old times, not for modern times. Everybody is doing things the modern way and we must be in line with rest of the world.

   Children learn more from the TV than they do from their parents. Satan has become the guy in the little red suit, with a tail, horns, and he carries a pitch fork, mostly seen on Halloween. Children are told he is only a myth and to ignore what the Church has to say about him.Children are told it is OK to dabble in the occult, gain a better understanding of their world and become their own god. Christians have stood back and allowed abortions to become the standard way of dealing with the unwanted child. Now marriage itself is being threatened in our country. Those who believe in an alternate life style, feel they have the right to take the title, marriage for their way of life.

   Will we as a child of God ever stand, even to our death to protect our children
from what the enemy's trying to turn our country into? Will we as Christians ever come together, accepting one another, and bowing our knees, together, calling on our God and humbly seeking His forgiveness and asking Him to heal our land. Have we waited to long I pray we haven't."  The Bible saw we will have a great revival before the end and I pray for that. Christians will have much to answer for when we face our Holy God!

(C) All right reserved
Brenda Carney Eldred April 23, 2018

