Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Good And The Bad Alike

As I thought about what to post next, I was reminded of the heartaches so many are facing today and we often hear, "How could a loving God allow this to happen?" Because of His grace, He can allow nothing less. His desire is for all to be saved, the good and the bad. Just as one thief on the cross went to paradise with Christ when he died, the other will spend eternity in hell. They each had a choice just before they died. We all have that same choice, whether we are good or bad. Go with me as I share my view of a loving God.

NOTE: We went for a walk in the park this afternoon, we often visit with people in the park. Today we met a young woman that was pregnant. We were able to pray with her about her family. They had disowned her because she was not married. I wonder who is the good and who is the bad in this family?  I also wonder how many young people have been cast out of families because they did not perform to the parents level of acceptance. I'm thankful I serve a forgiving God.

                                                       The Good And The Bad Alike

     Often we see only the ugliness of this world and ask, "How could a loving God allow what is happening today?" The homeless number is growing larger everyday, and many are families. With much suffering and no place to lay their heads in safety. Yet, there are others with great riches, that they waste on the worldly pleasures of life. Many will say I have nothing to spare.
     People with sickness and pain. No doctor to see or even the means to pay for the medication they need. Some have great beauty but use it in disgrace, full of arrogance and pride. A child goes unfed, another born with an addiction. Many used to be thrown away for the sickness of sexual abuse. Sadly to many times those guilty still walk free on the streets, seeking their next victim. Even worse, to many little ones never have a chance, their lives taken through abortion. Then someone asks in anger, "How could a loving God allow it to happen?"
     God loves every one of us. The good and the bad alike. He will not force us to accept and love Him. We must surrender our free will to Him in love, weather homeless or wealthy. the plain, those of great beauty, deserving or not, He loves us all. He knows every heartache and sin committed throughout the past generations and the generations to come. He is grieved and saddened because of what man has done, but still, He must allow man to have his own way. The pain and ugliness is not drafted by God, but in the hearts of man. God gave each one of us a free will, the freedom to make our own choices. So often we hear someone say, "I'll do it my way." We throw God aside for the pleasures of today. We are born with a deep desire in our hearts to seek for God, but as we take charge of our free will we ignore the calling God sends our way. The enemy of God is the one we often seek and serve. Sin and sickness will drive many to an early grave. Yet, we dare to ask, "How could a loving God allow it to happen?"
     The blessings God pours out are often unseen, blessings to the good and the bad alike. For now there is no difference made. It is only those that have surrendered their lives to God, that have a new life, deeper understanding of grace, peace and joy. Each one of us, He seeks and beckons to share in His life. He alone holds the true freedom we all seek. A personal relationship in love is what God desires with each of us.
     The good and the bad alike, we all fall short of deserving the forgiveness and love of God but, His grace is always reaching out to each one of us. He will seek for us until we take our dying breath. How could a loving God allow what has happened in this world, how could He allow anything else? We demand our free will, yet condemn God for our consequences.  He desires that not one of us should parish but live eternally in heaven as His child.

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