Sunday, January 13, 2013

We Must Learn

                                                        We must lean.

     Such a simple statement but it holds so much power. As I read the Sunday paper, there was so much anger. One group wants gun control and another wants armed guards at every school. What must we learn to keep our homes and our schools and our country safe. One thing, guns don't kill, evil does. Gun control is put on good law abiding people, not those that would use guns for destruction. More gun control takes the restrictions off of evil. We must learn that man is not our enemy and learn to recognize evil in ourselves and others, know when it comes near to us, and learn to fight it God's way not man's.

                                                         WE MUST LEARN  
     We must learn that man is not our enemy. Satan is the enemy of God and man. He is the ruler of this world. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy our lives. We will never heal or be able to reach out and touch the lost without the Grace of God. We have nothing of ourselves to offer a hurting world. Many people wear a bracelet with WWJD. What would Jesus do? To me that only touches the surface. Even evil men can do things and treat others the way Jesus would. It comes down to the heart attitude, is it in line with God. We must put to death all of our human emotions, feelings and attitudes. Dying to having  our own way and allow Jesus to live through us. Dying to self takes the sufficient grace of God to be real in our lives.
     In the 22nd chapter of Luke, we read the account of Jesus when he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane shortly before the soldiers came for him. I see it as a time when Jesus was not at peace. He was in such anguish and grief that he sweat droops of blood. Christ knew what he was facing and knew the horror that sin was holding on man. Yet he prayed not my will but thine be done. When he faced the soldiers, he did it with grace and peace at what was to come. It was love that would hang on the cross.
     When our Lord said, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me. He felt every heartache, hurt and pain that has or will ever exist. He understood what it was like to be separated from God. All the sins of mankind was poured out on our Lord. He felt the result of every sin that had been committed or will ever be committed. Even our attitudes and indifference toward him. Our Savior faced the horrors of hell alone on the cross in my place and yours. Even the Heavenly Father could not look upon the ugliness of sin that his son willingly accepted. Jesus accepted it all for me and for you, he paid a debt that we could never pay. Nothing we will ever experience can equal the pain of the cross on that day. To each believer he gives eternal life and sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Doing what we cannot do alone. His death on the cross was the total sufficiency of God's grace. It melts the coldest heart and meets our every need. Learn daily to walk in grace, it is sufficient for the. Grace is an action word, as we walk in grace daily with the Lord, our reaction to grace working through us, is love. The love that draws the lost to seek God's gift of saving grace.

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