Saturday, September 28, 2013

Personal God

     As I considered what to post this week, I decided to post what I am currently working on. As I have dealt with issues the past few weeks, I went back to a writing from several years ago. I have found that there is a deeper meaning to a Personal God. When we allow God to deal with our hearts, he gives us a deeper understanding of who he is. I know as time goes on a Personal God will become deeper still. Journey with me as I share what a Personal God meant to my life then, and I share a much deeper understanding for today. God is not only my Personal God, but, he is yours also. Hard to grasp, that the creator of all, is concerned about my life and deals with me on a personal level as he does everyone. God will meet you where you are at, and take you where there is no pain or sorrow, but, peace, joy, and love and give you a life in eternity with him.

Yesterday I planned to post this, but,ran out of time. We went to the Sight and Sound Theater in Branson to see Joseph, with our youngest son and his dear friend Laurie. What an amazing show. I thought about this writing after the show, it fits so well. It was about forgiveness and our personal heart attitudes when we have been wronged or mistreated. How did we respond, did it bring glory to God?

                                                              Personal God

   One of the hardest things I had to learn was that God is a very Personal God.. When dealing with me concerning any situation, He is concerned with my response, actions, reactions, and my attitude. What was my behavior? That is what I must answer to Him for. In my humanity, I yell, "But I was the one hurt, I am the one that was done wrong. Deal with them, it is not my fault. I want justice, I'll be OK once You deal with them." But God looks into my heart and asks, "Did you glorify Me with your response? I'll deal with them, but in My time, not yours. At this moment, I am concerned about you." That is hard to grasp and most of the time does not seem fair. Yet, I can be comforted that He is concerned just about me. It is hard to take in that God is one on one with each of us, every moment of our lives, God is a Personal God.
   I was once approached after a support group meeting by a person who wanted to talk to me. They felt they could trust me and asked if I would help them find a sponsor. They shared with me a major behavioral issue, wanted to know if there was someone in the group that had medical training and would be willing to work the twelve-step program with them. I wanted to run from the room; I did not even want to talk to them. I just sat there stunned. Suddenly, the Lord spoke directly to my heart. I turned to see who else was in the room and had spoken. It was clear, He said, "Brenda, accept them as a person, not their behavioral problems. Their problems are My business not your."
     I was able to talk with them and knew someone that had medical training and would help them. They were grateful and were able to connect with a sponsor. I learned a major lesson from the Lord that day; I can accept anyone as a person, without accepting their problems or the sin they have committed. That is God's business. Those are two different issues. Their problems are none of my business. How I treat them is and that is what God will deal with, concerning me. Did my  response to them glorify God?
     My behavior, my attitude, and my response should always bring glory, honor, and praise to my Lord. The lost are looking to me for acceptance.They want me to acknowledge that they are a person too. Accept a person and let God deal with the sin and problems in their life.
     I wrote this several years ago and have worked on it from time to time. Thought I was finished, but the last few weeks, I have taken another look at my Person God. I saw a deeper reality.
     When my Lord and Savior was on earth as a human, God did not give Him a free pass, but expected Him to deal with life as I do. When it came to people calling Him names, it was His response to them that mattered most to God. How did He glorify his Father? Did He respond in anger and whine or accept with the grace of love and forgiveness, those that slandered His name and ministry? He showed grace in love and forgiveness for His enemies.
     Luke 2:49 And He said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?  KJB "Authorized Version" , Cambridge Edition
     How did Christ respond when accused of being evil? He showed grace in love and forgiveness. When He faced satan in the dessert for forty days, His Heavenly Father was more concerned with His response to satan, than He was of the lies satan was telling. Christ knew He must be about His Father's business.
     As our Lord and Savior was arrested, tried, beaten, and crucified on the cross, it was His response to those involved that mattered to God. Did He glorify His Heavenly Father? I think we would all respond, "YES" He glorified His Father.
     It is impossible for me to keep the Ten Commandments. Only Christ was able to do that. What I can do, respond to others with the grace of  love and forgiveness. It is in my response and actions I take towards others that God is most concerned about. That is where God can be glorified and honored. I can respond to evil with evil or hate with hate. I can become bitter, resentful, angry, and unforgiving, but it would not honor God or bring Him glory.
     Do I feel cheated when others get discounts and free passes, but I never do? God never promised me entitlements here on earth. My entitlements are awaiting in Heaven. So great is His gifts awaiting me that my minds cannot fathom what is to come.
    It is learning to respond to others with the grace of love and forgiveness, that God has poured into my life that shows I have His love in me.We are all sinners, some of us thankfully, recognize that and turned to God for forgiveness and seek a personal relationship with Him.
     To a degree I can obey the Ten Commandments. Some are easy or I think they are. What Christ had to deal with as a man, and what I must deal with is my heart attitude. Is It lined up with God? Do I show the same grace of love and forgiveness that my Heavenly Father has shown to me? Our Lord and Savior chose to follow His father, that is something I can do. Love my enemies and those that have hurt me, as my Savior taught me by example. I can have peace in my hearts and say, "It is well with my soul." God's grace will always take me deeper still if I will allow Him to work in my hearts. As I grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God, the Holy Spirit will grow stronger in my life.

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