Saturday, June 22, 2013

Miracle Of Two Sons

     In honor of my new Grand Daughter, Wren Earendil Eldred,born Wednesday June 19th, 2013, I want to share the Miracle Of Two Sons. We had been told we probably would not have children. Thankfully God had other plans for us. Now 48 years after surgery for a deformed uterus, I now have a wonderful little grandson, Jonah and his baby sister, Wren. God is so good. My two boys, Jonah and Wren are miracles from God.

                                                        Miracle Of Two Sons

     As I have shared in other writings, at eighteen I went through surgery to correct a deformed uterus. Talking with my doctor just before David and I were married, Dr. Tosh, told me there was a chance I could have children, he just wasn't sure. He said, "If", I became pregnant, I would most likely have to be on total bed rest and that the delivery would have to be by C-section.
     Five years after David and I married, I was expecting our first son. Due date was October twenty fifth. I felt good, rarely had morning sickness, could not eat eggs, or drink orange juice. My one craving, Pepperidge Farm frozen Coconut Cake. Never had to go on bed rest. On October eighteenth, our son Michael was delivered by C-section. We knew we had a miracle from God. It was his grace that made it possible.
     A few years after mike was born, I started having some problems and had to take hormone shots about every six to nine months. In November, after Mike turned four, I went in for a shot, but, this one gave me a lot of problems. I had sever back back pain, carried pillows with me, to sit on all the time. My nerves were a mess, and I cried over everything. In February, I returned to see Dr. Tosh, it was determined I needed a complete hysterectomy. Date was set for six weeks later. I checked into the hospital in Memphis on Sunday afternoon for surgery on Monday morning. The hospital ran blood test throughout the night. The next morning instead of preparing me for surgery, Dr. Tosh came in my room and said," Brenda, I don't do this surgery on pregnant women." I took a migraine headache with that announcement. The second pregnancy had a lot of ups and downs. Five years later, there I was expecting again, due date was set for, October twenty fifth.
     This little one was very active, sucked his thumb, had hiccups and loved to kick. On the sixth of October, he decided to make a grand appearance. James had to be delivered emergency C-section.
     I was so uncomfortable all that day. They gave me a baby shower after work and I was unable to lean forward to pick up the gifts to unwrap. On the way home we stopped at KFC and picked up supper to go. After eating and still miserable, I decided a soak in a warm tub would feel great, and it did. However, when I got out I had started to hemorrhage.
     Telling David I just did not feel good and I was going to call the doctor. The doctor didn't think it was anything serious but wanted me to meet him at the hospital. When I told David what was going on, he turned a little white, grabbed our son Mike and ran to the neighbors on the north, no one was home. He then ran to the neighbors on the south of us. As they opened the door, he scooted Mike inside and said, "On our way to the hospital."
     At the hospital, there was the doctor waiting, in his tennis shorts. I had interrupted his plans for tennis that night. After examining me, he informed me, I had been in labor for hours (no birth canal, so no contractions). As fast as they could prep me and get a surgical team together, I would be going into surgery. The doctor asked me if I had eaten, telling him I had KFC, he said they could not put me to sleep. It would make me extremely sick, I would have to have a spinal injection. So, I was wide awake, 45 minutes after walking in the hospital door, our second son, James, was delivered. David got to touch his son just moments after he was born and walk with them as he was taken to the nursery. James has never slowed down, still as active as he was when I carried him.
     It was the grace of Go, that made these two pregnancies possible. I was able to carry both full term with no major complications and no bed rest. Both Mike, 8.7 pounds and James, 8 pounds, were in good health. God gave us two precious sons. We can only give God the glory, and praise, and say, "they were God's first and he loaned them to us to raise." What a privilege we were given.

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